Septic desiGn
Septic Design in Maine: Clean fresh water is essential to human life. Wastewater is a product of using that fresh water and that’s where septic design in maine comes in to play. Wastewater must be disposed safely and properly. If your home or business is adjacent to public sewer services, then you should connect in and use them. The sewer district will charge you by the gallon and they do a great job. If you’re in a more rural area, then you’ll need a private septic system.
Septic Systems need to be designed by a licensed septic design professional in maine.
To put in a septic systems for commercial or residential, gray water or black water, you’ll need a professional to come to your property. In Maine, these professionals are Licensed Site Evaluators, or LSEs. Main-Land offers multiple LSEs to get your project going sooner.

Our Septic Design Services:
Main-Land Septic Design plans septic systems so flushing is final. We are your trusted solution for all things Septic Design in Maine :
– Site Feasibility
– Soils testing
– Wastewater flow analysis
– Preliminary septic design
– Final septic design
– HHE-200 Forms
– Engineered septic systems
Get a Septic Quote

What to expect when getting a septic design done in Maine by Main-Land:
Meet you on your property.
Talk to you about your building plans, so the septic design will work for your project.
Perform soils tests. Classify soil types to design the disposal field (also known as leachfield)
Figure out what will work on your property based on potential setbacks that will determine the location of your septic.
Set an Elevation Reference Point and grade stakes for a contractor to build your septic system.
Back at the office,
the LSE will design the septic system and prepare an HHE-200 form needed by the town and the contractor.
You’ll receive the HHE-200 form within two weeks of the field work, unless communicated otherwise by Main-Land.
What you’ll need to do.
When you get the forms from our LSE, you’ll need to send one to the Local Plumbing Inspector at your town office. The LPI will review the HHE-200, charge you a fee based on the number of fixtures you’re proposing to use, and inspect the field at several times through the construction process. Once you have LPI approval, and assuming you have any other permits you’ll need for your overall project, then you’ll give a copy of the LPI to your contractor. Ask your contractor to coordinate inspection schedules with the town’s LPI. You don’t want to have to dig it back up once you’ve built it.
What else do I need to know about my septic system?
Call us 207-897-6752 and we can help guide you on specifics you need to know abut your septic system..

“Dispose of your wastewater safely with a septic system design from Main-Land. We’ll communicate with you and get you the HHE-200 form you need quickly.”